Following are the Tulsa Parrot Head Club 2022 Executive Committee. The President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director at Large, and Director of Membership are elected by the general membership. All other positions are appointed by the board.
PRESIDENT – Cathy Boley

Cathy and her husband David have been members of the TPHC since 1996. She served as secretary from 2006-2009.
Cathy has had the pleasure of attending no less than 50 Buffett concerts at venues in Dallas, Frisco, Vegas, and Chicago. But her favorite concert was a FREE concert on Galveston Beach in 1992
Her favorite Buffett songs are “Tin Cup Chalice”, “Come Monday”, “Who’s the Blonde Stranger” and “One Particular Harbor”

Don and his wife Carol have been members of the TPHC for a LONG time. During this time Don has served as Vice President once before and also produced the Fin Lines monthly newsletter for several years.
Don and Carol have attended several Buffett concerts,
the first being in Dallas at the old Smirnoff
Amphitheater. This was even before they met
their fine TPHC Phriends . It was then that they
fell in love with the tropical state of mind.
Don’s favorite Buffett songs would be “Tin Cup Chalice” and
“He Went to Paris”.
SECRETARY – Kris Cunnane

Kris enjoys the many friendships that she has made. She really admires the difference that the club has made by helping others. As the club’s motto states: “Party with a Purpose”.
Kris has been a member of the Tulsa Parrot Head Club since 2004. She has attended several Jimmy Buffett concerts. Her favorite Buffett tunes are “Son of a Sailor”, “Margaritaville” and many others.
I am happy to serve as Secretary and look forward to making many more Parrot Head Phriends!!
TREASURER – Carla McMillen

TPHC Member since June 2014
This is Carla’s first position as an officer of the club. She feels honored that the club has allowed her to represent them as the club’s treasure and she looks forward to doing this job with all the enthusiasm and skills she has. She will represent the club with extreme honestly, clarity, and most of all transparency with the club’s interest always first. She has been the club photographer for the past year. She has attended 8 Buffett concerts to date. She is unable to list one song as her favorite, but she has narrowed it down to a few of her favorite Buffet songs…Hawaiian Christmas, Changes in Latitude, Come Monday, and 5 O’clock Somewhere.
When Carla first joined, she did not know how many different charity organizations the Parrot Head Clubs raised money, donated items, and donated their time to try to help them. She is very proud of the different charities and organizations that the Tulsa Parrot Head Club have raised and donated money to since she has been here. She has made some very strong and what I feel will be lifelong friends in this club by participating in the many fun and exciting activities and events.
She read a saying a long time ago and it has always stuck with her but even more now that she is a Parrot Head, “Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you.” – Author Unknown
She believes this so much and that is why she loves all her Parrot Head Phriends. Parrot Heads enjoy having fun which brings out the happy in Carla!!!

TPHC Member since 2010
For several years Larry has enjoyed welcoming new members as well as encouraging new prospective members to join the Tulsa Parrot Head Club. He believes he is well known in the club, and he is well suited to help our officers as Director at Large.
Larry’s favorite Buffett tune is “One Particular Harbor”.
DIRECTOR AT LARGE – Debbie Burling

Debbie has been a TPHC member since 2013.
She is responsible for keeping the Tulsa Parrot Head Club member database current and updated. She works hard to fulfill all the Membership duties listed in the club’s bylaws for this position. Debbie would love to have you join our club so she can add you to our membership database.
Debbie’s favorite Jimmy Buffett tune is “Come Monday”.
Vicki has been a TPHC member since 2010.
Vicki is responsible for hospitality, or guests’ services for the Tulsa Parrot Head Club. Giving a great welcome is an important part of the club’s culture. She makes sure we are setting heights of a great welcome. When there is a great culture of welcome, it easy for TPHC guests to decide to return. She also sends get well cards and condolences to members who need encouragement.